Learn & Arts

Italian language + Art, Design & Photography in Florence or Milan

We offers with its Art School Partner an intensive monthly programme combining Italian language in the morning with Arts, Design & Photography.
To attend this programme an elementary level of Italian is required.

Italian Language
Lessons per week 20 (each lesson lasts 45 minutes)
Length 4, 8 weeks
Schedule morning, Monday - Friday
Class size max 12 students
Arts, Design & Photography
Please choose one of the following options for a minimum of 4 weeks

Programme options
Fashion Design
Interior Design
Classic Photography
Digital Photography

Lessons per week 20 + 8 lessons per week / 20 +12 lessons per week
Period All year round according to starting dates of Standard courses.
Length 4, 16 weeks
Schedule afternoon, Monday - Friday
Levels Beginner, Intermediate
Italian knowledge Elementary level of Italian is required
Class size 3 - 7 students
Course Lessons
per week
in weeks
Global Tuition
Italian lessons + Arts
( Interior Design, Fashion, Photography, Painting )
80 + 32
320 + 180
€ 1670
€ 5250